Tomoko Nagai

  • お気に入りの洋服 Favorite Dress 2022 oil on canvas 65.2 x 50.0 cm ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • 宝もの Treasures 2022 acrylic, watercolor, color pencil, pencil and ink on paper mounted on wood panel 53.0 × 65.2 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • ボタニカルな休日 Botanical Holidays 2021 oil on canvas 146.2 x 228.2 cm ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • 音 Sound 2020 oil and glitter on canvas 227.5 × 546.0 cm (3 pieces) ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • 長い間まってる Waiting for a Long Time 2020 oil and glitter on canvas 227.3 × 181.8 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 天国についた Arrived in Heaven 2020 oil and glitter on canvas 130.3 × 162.0 cm ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • しだれざくら 2019 oil and glitter on canvas 130.1 × 193.8 cm ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • Big Bear 2019 oil and glitter on canvas 227.5 × 182.2 cm ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Coloring Beyond the Edges" Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Coloring Beyond the Edges" Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Coloring Beyond the Edges" Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Coloring Beyond the Edges" Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Coloring Beyond the Edges" Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 10月の空気と草木と Air of October, Plants and Trees 2018年 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 海老原商店の絵 2018 watercolor, pencil, color pencil, ink and collage on paper mounted on panel 45.5 x 33.3 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October" Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan, 2018 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Thousands of Finches 2017 oil on canvas, glitter 194.0 × 259.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • フランスパンちゃんガール 花柄の壁紙 French Baguet Girl Floral Wall Paper 2015 oil on canvas 162.5 × 130.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • フルーツポンチ Fruit Punch 2015 watercolor, acrylic, pencil, color pencil, ink, glitter and collage on panel 53.0 × 73.0 cm ©︎Tomoko Nagai
  • 長井朋子 Tomoko Nagai くまのこハウス The Cub House 2015 oil on canvas 53.5 x 53.0 cm © Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "The Hairy House in Midsummer" at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2015 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "The Hairy House in Midsummer" at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2015 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "The Hairy House in Midsummer" at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2015 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "The Hairy House in Midsummer" at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2015 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • しだれざくら Weeping Cherry 2014 oil on canvas 162.0 × 162.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 光 Light 2014 oil on canvas 194.5 × 162.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • しだれざくら Weeping cherry 2013 oil on canvas 162.0 × 227.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • もう風邪はなおったよ A cold got cured 2013 oil, glitter on canvas 73.0 × 60.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • ドラマチック Dramatic 2012 oil, glitter on canvas 227.5 × 364.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Dramatic Moments" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2013 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Chua Cherhim
  • Installation view from "Dramatic Moments" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2013 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Chua Cherhim
  • Installation view from "Dramatic Moments" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2013 ©Tomoko Nagai photo by Chua Cherhim
  • ピクニック Picnic 2012 acrylic, water color, ink, color pencil, pencil, collage on paper mounted on panel 103.0 × 219.0 cm (3 pieces) ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 大きい犬の夢を見た I Dreamt About A Huge Dog 2011 oil and glitter on canvas 227.0 × 364.0 cm (2 pieces) ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 雪ん子ガール The Snow-child-girl 2011 oil, glitter on canvas 162.0 × 131.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • パペットといろいろの国 Puppet and Various Countries 2011 oil, glitter, modeling paste on canvas 162.0 × 194.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • ひと休み A break 2010 water color, ink, color pencil, pencil, glitter, embroidered 13.5 × 18.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 白イタチ White weasel 2010 oil, acrylic, glitter on canvas 80.5 × 53.2 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • teddy bear 2010 oil on canvas 100.2 × 80.3 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • snow kitten 2010 oil, acrylic, glitter, gesso, modeling paste, paperclay on canvas 101.5 × 134.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Mr. Bear 2010 oil,acrylic, glitter, spray on canvas 227.5 × 182.2 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • プリンス Prince 2010 acrylic, water color, pencil, color pencil, ink, conte, glitter on paper mounted on panel 45.8 × 38.1 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 劇場ハウス Theater house 2010 oil, acrylic, glitter on canvas 116.7 × 91.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • ririan 2010 oil, acrylic on canvas 130.2 × 194.2 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 灰色ネコ(大) Gray Cat (large) 2010 cloth and cotton h.49.0 × w.13.5 × d.8.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Winter Wind and Konko" at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, Japan, 2011 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Winter Wind and Konko" at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, Japan, 2011 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "Winter Wind and Konko" at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, Japan, 2011 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Season that the worldgets filled with gold 2008 oil on canvas 161.5 × 194.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • きいろい子 gold child 2008 oil, acrylic on canvas 72.8 × 60.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 氷の物語 2008 oil on canvas 182.0 × 228.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • みんな大人になってしまった everyone's grown up 2008 oil, acrylic, pencil on canvas 227.5 × 182.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "A child and an owl and a gray cat sparkling on Sunday" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2008 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "A child and an owl and a gray cat sparkling on Sunday" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2008 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "A child and an owl and a gray cat sparkling on Sunday" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2008 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Installation view from "project N 33" Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2008 ©Tomoko Nagai
  • 森での話 Conversation in Forest 2007 oil, acrylic on canvas 182.0 × 227.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Housekibaco 2007 oil, acrylic on canvas 131.0 × 162.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Bathroom 2007 oil, acrylic on canvas 73.0 cm × 179.0 cm (4 pieces) ©Tomoko Nagai
  • Cassiopeia 2007 Oil, acrylic on canvas 89.5 x 145.5 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • midorinomori 2007 watercolor, acrylic, color pencil, pencil, ink on paper mounted on wood panel 91.2 x 116.7 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • untitled 2006 watercolor, pencil, ink, stickers on paper 26.0 × 39.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai
  • しだれざくら Weeping cherry tree 2006 watercolor, acrylic, color pencil, pencil on paper mounted on wood panel 45.5 × 53.0 cm ©Tomoko Nagai

Courtyards, plants, the seasons, the smell of the air, light, the universe, animals, stuffed toys, children, rooms…all of these motifs found in Nagai’s works are things she has always had in her mind, familiar from childhood, dramatic moments in her daily life, dreamscapes, and so on. She connects them organically with her own unique perspective and imagination, making them resonate with each other like colorful puzzles, and inviting them into a new and free painterly space where all of creation radiates brilliantly as “unknown spaces of comfort, and scenery that one would like to see.”

Nagai uses oil paint, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, and various other materials to express her multilayered sense of materiality and intuitive brushstrokes. Her approach is distinctive in terms of how it does not limit her modes of expression, which span a wide range from painting and drawing to sculpture and stuffed animals. Her works often take the form of squares, circles, and polygons, some measuring over 5 meters in size, while others remain small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand. The variety of Nagai’s works seems to reflect how she enjoys the act of creation itself, capturing the world from free, flexible perspectives in close-up, or seen from a wide angle.

Nagai’s worldview has won many fans both in Japan and abroad, and her works are in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, among others. She has also been active in public spaces beyond the exhibition space, producing artworks for the NHK E-television programs “Sometimes Lost” and “Moyamoya,”, book illustrations for novels such as The Wise Man on the Hill, Tabiya Okaeri (Maha Harada, Shueisha Bunko, 2021), and the main visual for Kasumigaura Dōbutsu to Minna no Ie (Place for Everyone) (architect: Takahashi Ippei Office) that opened in July 2024 in Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Prefecture.

Tomoko Nagai was born in Aichi Prefecture in 1982. She graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music in 2006, majoring in Oil Painting.

Solo Exhibitions

2024 “Tube Pipes and Floral Patterns, Cat Stickers and Shell Necklaces” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“G foundation collection #002 Tomoko Nagai’s Holiday Drawings” G foundation collection Tokyo, Japan
“HOUSE” Perrotin, Hong Kong
2022 “All Aboard the Spaceship – A Kaleidoscopic Scene” Project Fulfill Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
“Botanical Holidays” MITSUKOSHI CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store, Tokyo, Japan
2020 It’s Dazzling Softly Like Heaven, and” Toyokawa City Sakuragaoka Museum, Aichi, Japan
“Spring and Weeping Cherry” GALLERY OHRIN, Izumo Taisha Hitachi Shrine, Ibaraki, Japan
2019 “Nurie no Fuchi ga Kiete-iku: Coloring Beyond the Edges” Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2018 “A Hundred Years and Cherry Blossom Tree in October” Ebihara Shoten, Tokyo, Japan
“Room with Colorful Flowers” 6F Artspot, Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store, Tokyo, Japan
“Atelier in Peach and Rose Color, Magic” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2017 “Thousands of Finches” Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“Tale of Nippon Umeboshi” Mizuho Oshiro Gallery, Kagoshima, Japan
2015 “The Hairy House in Midsummer” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2014 “Amber Light and Carpet of Dropped Chestnuts” Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2013 “Dramatic Moments” Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore
2012 “It might be true (continued)” Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2011 “Small Planets and Many Kids” Mama Kid, Hong Kong
“Recital Day in June” Mizuho Oshiro Gallery, Kagoshima, Japan
2010 “In the room of Toccata” Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“Winter Wind and Konko” Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto/ TKG Editions Kyoto, Japan
2009 “Tomoko Nagai by ZOF” BEAMS T Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan
2008 “project N 33” corridor, 4th floor at Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“A child and an owl and a gray cat sparkling on Sunday” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2007 “Bara mo Uma ni Uta ni Midori mo Niwa” Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
“'Bara mo Uma ni Uta ni Midori mo Niwa' SHINJUKU ART ∞ VOL.02” the temporary enclosure at OIOI City Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

Group Exhibitions

2024 “Revealed – 3 Private Collection” Yokohama Civic Gallery Azamino, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
“When Two Collections Meet: Co-curated by the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art and the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum” Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya, Japan
2023 “In flower enthusiasts” Art Gallery, Isetan Shinjuku Store Main Building 6F, Tokyo, Japan
2022 "Under Current Satellite Exhibition” N&A Art SITE, Tokyo, Japan
“Under Current” Powerlong Museum, Shanghai, China
“EXODUS” K11 MUSEA、Hong Kong
2021 "Bijin-ga Revolution!” Aspirante, Yamaguchi, Japan
“Rokko Meets Art 2021” Mt. Rokko, Hyogo, Japan
"Vacation” Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai, China
2020 “The Splendid Mountain” Hiro Hiro Art Space, Taipei City, Taiwan
2018 “Tomio Koyama Gallery: Works from the Gallery Artists and the Collection 3” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2017 “10th ASYAAF (Asian Students & Young Artists Art Festival)” Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul, Korea
“Tomio Koyama Gallery: Works from the Gallery Artists and the Collection 2” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2016 “21st HEART EXHIBITION” 3F Event Salon, Tokyu Department Store Shibuya Honten, Tokyo, Japan [traveled to 7 other locations in Japan]
“DECO・DECO・DECO!” Main Building 7F Exhibition Hall, Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store, Tokyo, Japan
2014 “KISS THE HEART #3” Isetan Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
“Ginza Mitsukoshi x Tomio Koyama Gallery, Art Selection” Ginza Mitsukoshi 8th Floor Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2013 “Tokyo Painting II - Mindscape between interior and exterior” Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Gallery B, Tokyo, Japan
“Ginza Mitsukoshi × Tomio Koyama Gallery Art Selection” Ginza Mitsukoshi 8th Floor Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2011 “JAPANCONGO” Magasin - Centre national d'arts et de cultures, Grenoble, France
“Girlfriends Forever!” Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
“Future Pass -From Asia to the World” Collateral Event of the 54th International Art Exhibition - la Biennale di Venezia, Abbazia di San Gregorio, Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana, Venice, Italy
“Pathos and Small Narratives” Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2010 “VOCA 2010” Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan
“Passion Fruits Picked from The Olbricht Collection” me Collectors Room Berlin, Germany
2008 “Haptic: Group Exhibition by Artists from Brazil and Japan Curated by Vik Muniz” Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
2006 “Cow Parade TOKYO IN MARUNOUCHI 2006” Marunouchi, Tokyo, Japan
“Tokyo Wonder Wall 2006” Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
2005 “Mandragora and Three Horns” YEBISU ART LABO, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Public Collections

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art
The Franks-Suss Collection
The JAPIGOZZI Collection
Olbricht Collection
Rijksmusem, Netherlands
Ryutaro Takahashi Collection
Toyokawa City Sakuragaoka Museum
The Zabludowicz Collection

Tomoko Nagai(English & Chinese subtitles)