Nana Funo

  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “Born for This” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • 古い歌を聴く Listening to an Old Song 2024 acrylic on panel 162.0 x 112.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • はじめて会うのに懐かしい人 Someone Whom I Feel Familiar with at First Acquaintance 2024 acrylic on panel 162.0 x 112.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 透明になっていく目 Eyes Becoming Transparent 2024 acrylic on panel 162.0 x 112.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 静かな雨 A Song of Amnesia 2024 acrylic on panel 162.0 x 112.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 川根本町で見た星 Stars I Saw in Kawanehoncho 2024 acrylic on panel 41.0 × 31.8 cm ©Nana Funo
  • きらきら星 Twinkle Stars 2023 acrylic on panel 45.5 x 33.3 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 17時の夕ぐれの歌 Evening Song at 5pm 2024 acrylic on panel 65.2 x 50.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • きれいなドアを見つける Finding a Beautiful Door 2024 acrylic on panel 21.0 x 26.0 cm (2 pieces) ©Nana Funo
  • きれいなドアを見つける Finding a Beautiful Door 2024 acrylic on panel 210 x 395 mm (2 pieces) ©Nana Funo
  • きれいなドアを見つける Finding a Beautiful Door 2024 acrylic on panel 21.0 x 26.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 星の降る夜 2022 acrylic on panel 53.0 x 41.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • どこから見ても光ってみえるもの 2022 acrylic on panel 45.5 x 33.3 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 細部に宿る神さま God in the Details 2022 acrylic on panel 80.1 x 52.9 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 鳥が三日月に見えた日 2022 acrylic on panel 53.0 x 41.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 向かい合う人  People Facing One Another 2019 acrylic on panel 45.5 x 33.3 cm ©Nana Funo photo by Taishi Nishi
  • 誰もいない森で倒れた木は音をたてるか Does it Sound When a Tree Falls in an Empty Forest? 2019 acrylic on panel 45.5 x 33.3 cm ©Nana Funo photo by Taishi Nishi
  • 触っても触っても遠い No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away 2018 acrylic on panel 106.0 x 160.0 cm (2 pieces) ©Nana Funo photo by Taishi Nishi
  • 夜のびるつる Vines that Grow at Night 2019 acrylic on panel 106.0 x 160.0 cm (2 pieces) ©Nana Funo photo by Taishi Nishi
  • Installation view from "No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away" at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Nana Funo photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away" at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Nana Funo photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away" at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Nana Funo photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away" at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2019 ©Nana Funo photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • ガラスの標本 Specimen of glass 2016 acrylic, gesso on canvas 194.0 × 162.0 cm ©️Nana Funo
  • 奥の緑が聞く Green is listening behind 2016 acrylic, gesso on canvas 72.7 × 60.6 cm ©Nana Funo
  • おまじないの道具 Good luck charms 2016 acrylic, gesso on canvas 41.0 × 31.8 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 私の舟にのせるものシリーズ The series of the things to put on my boat 2016 acrylic, gesso on canvas 53.0 × 45.5 cm ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "Connecting with Lines and Giving a Name" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2016 ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "Connecting with Lines and Giving a Name" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2016 ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "Connecting with Lines and Giving a Name" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2016 ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "Connecting with Lines and Giving a Name" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2016 ©Nana Funo
  • とくべつな愛着 Special affection 2014 oil on canvas 162.5 × 162.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 秘密基地 A secret base 2014 oil on canvas 73.0 × 91.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • eat me 2014 acrylic on canvas φ60.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 地下の湿度と紙の手ざわり The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper 2014 charcoal on paper 51.0 × 65.5 cm ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • 貴婦人は助けに来ない The Lady will not Come to Help 2013 acrylic on canvas 60.5 × 73 cm ©Nana Funo
  • Neighbor's Garden 2013 acrylic on canvas 162.0 × 227.5 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 片目は鳥の目 片目は虫の目 One Eye is the Eye of Bird ; the Other is the Eye of Insect 2013 acrylic on canvas 227.5 x 324.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 指輪にまつわるいくつかの話 Some Stories about the Ring 2013 acrylic on canvas 227.5 × 582.5 cm(4pieces: 227.5 × 145 cm) ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "The Fish Glitters As Its Scales Tremble" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Wong Jing Wei
  • Installation view from "The Fish Glitters As Its Scales Tremble" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Wong Jing Wei
  • Installation view from "The Fish Glitters As Its Scales Tremble" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Wong Jing Wei
  • Installation view from "The Fish Glitters As Its Scales Tremble" Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, 2014 ©Nana Funo, photo by Wong Jing Wei
  • まっくら森のうた A song of dark forest 2012 acrylic on canvas 227.5 × 546.0 cm(3pieces) ©Nana Funo
  • 誰かの孤独な夜にもぐりこむために For getting into someone's lonely night 2012 acrylic on canvas 182.0 × 227.5 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 春を待つ冬の部屋のための壁紙 Wallpaper of winter room to wait for spring 2012 acrylic on canvas 227.5 × 182.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 樹をまもるけもの Animal that saves a tree 2012 acrylic on canvas 40.0 × 40.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "Vessel That Never Leaks" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2012 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "Vessel That Never Leaks" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2012 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "Vessel That Never Leaks" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2012 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from "Vessel That Never Leaks" Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2012 ©Nana Funo, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • 食べられても愛してる Still in love even after being eaten up 2011 acrylic, dye, gesso on cotton mounted on canvas φ180.0 cm ©️Nana Funo
  • 小さなかごめかごめ Small Kagome Kagome 2011 acrylic on canvas 40.0 × 40.0 cm ©️Nana Funo
  • 扉を探す Looking for a door 2011 acrylic, dye, gesso on canvas φ90 cm ©️Nana Funo
  • 底から音がきこえる Sounds come from the bottom 2011 acrylic, dye, gesso on canvas 182.0 × 227.5 cm ©️Nana Funo
  • 花の瘡蓋 Scab on Flower 2008 acrylic, dye, gesso on canvas 162.0 × 388.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view from "Who Knows the Stories" Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2009 ©Nana Funo, photo by Yasushi Ichikawa
  • Installation view from "Who Knows the Stories" Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2009 ©Nana Funo, photo by Yasushi Ichikawa
  • Installation view from "Who Knows the Stories" Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2009 ©Nana Funo, photo by Yasushi Ichikawa
  • まじない Spell 2008 dye, gesso, acrylic on canvas 130.5 × 162.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • バオバブ Baobaba 2008 dye, gesso, acrylic on canvas 40.0 × 40.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • F氏の憂鬱 Melancholy of Ms. F 2008 acrylic, dye, gesso, cotton mounted on panel φ69.5 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 庭 Garden 2008 acrylic, dye, gesso, cotton on wooden panel φ52 cm ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2008 ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2008 ©Nana Funo
  • Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2008 ©Nana Funo
  • ペガサス Pegasus 2008 oil on canvas 41.5 × 53.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 迷う森 Forest to Get Lost 2008 oil on canvas 73.0 × 91.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 旅行シリーズ Travel Series 2008 oil on canvas 20.0 × 20.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • インド旅行 Traveling to India 2008 oil on canvas 20.0 × 20.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 旅行シリーズ Travel Series 2008 oil on canvas 20.0 × 20.0 cm ©Nana Funo
  • 産婦人科のための壁紙 A Wallpaper for Obstetrician 2008 dye, gesso, acrylic on canvas 40.0 × 40.0 cm ©Nana Funo

Nana Funo was born in 1983 in Shizuoka Prefecture. She graduated from Osaka University of Arts, Japan (BFA) in 2006 and completed the Graduate Kyoto City University of Arts, Kyoto, Japan (MFA) in 2008. She currently lives and works in Shizuoka.

Nana Funo’s works present a unique, multi-layered view of the world, conceived through interweaving subjects and landscapes from her own imagination and stories she had indulged in since her childhood with richly nuanced and variegated artistic touches.
Viewers are no doubt taken by surprise with the visual effects of Funo’s pictorial space achieved solely through use of acrylic paint –a glossiness almost reminiscent of ceramic and sculptural surfaces, and meticulous brushstrokes painted in a manner akin to embroidery or delicately woven fabric.

Her major solo exhibitions include “Born for This” (Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024), Takashimaya Osaka 6F Gallery Next (Osaka, Japan 2023), Meets by NADiff, SHIBUYA PARCO (Tokyo, Japan, 2020) and “No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away” (Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2019).
Her major group exhibitions include “NEW NATURE” (PATERSON ZEVI, London, UK, 2020), “The Way of Painting” (Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2014) and “VOCA 2009: The Vision of Contemporary Art” (The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan, 2009).
Funo’s works are housed in the collections of Aman Tokyo, The JAPIGOZZI Collection, MONTBLANC and GBU Japan, Takahashi Collection and Takamatsu City Museum of Art.

Solo Exhibitions

2024 “Born for This” Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Takashimaya Osaka 6F Gallery Next, Osaka, Japan

2020 SHIBUYA PARCO "Meets by NADiff", Tokyo, Japan
2019 “No Matter How Many Times I Touch, It is Still Far Away” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2016 “Connecting with Lines and Giving a Name” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2014 “The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“The Fish Glitters As its Scales Tremble” Tomio Koyama Gallery Singapore, Singapore
2012 “Vessel That Never Leaks” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“howl of green” Itamuro Onsen Daikokuya, Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
2010 Roppongi Hills Art + Design Store Space A+D, Tokyo, Japan
2009 “Who Knows the Stories” Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto/ “Imagination on the Grass” TKG Editions Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
2008 TKG Editions, Tokyo, Japan

Group Exhibitions

2024 “Revealed – 3 Private Collection” Yokohama Civic Gallery Azamino, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
2023 “Bon appétit!” SCÈNE, Tokyo, Japan
“In flower enthusiasts” Art Gallery, Isetan Shinjuku Store Main Building 6F, Tokyo, Japan
"UNITED" eN arts, Kyoto, Japan
2022 “MITSUKOSHI Art Weeks・Buyers Selection“ Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store Main Building 7th Floor Event Venue, Tokyo, Japan
“BIJYUTSU JYORON 4” Fujieda civic hall, Shizuoka, Japan
2020 “BIJYUTSU JYORON 2” Fujieda civic hall, Shizuoka, Japan
2019 “An incident touched the bottom” 2kw gallery, Shiga, Japan
2018 “Tomio Koyama Gallery: Works from the Gallery Artists and the Collection 3” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2017 “Tomio Koyama Gallery: Works from the Gallery Artists and the Collection 2” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2016 “JAPAN 7” SILVERLENS, Manila, Philippines
2015 “Tomio Koyama Gallery: Works from the Gallery Artists and the Collection” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2014 “The Way of Painting” Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2013 “JAPAN ART EXHIBITION” Isetan Singapore, Singapore
“Cho-Kyoto 2013, Contemporary Art @ Today's Machiya in Kyoto” Today's Machiya in Kyoto, Model House Exhibition Place KYOMO, Kyoto, Japan
2011 “Cho-Kyoto” Shosei-en Garden (Kikoku-tei, Higashihonganji), Kyoto, Japan
2009 “VOCA 2009 The Vision of Contemporary Art” The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan (with Yutaka Watanabe)
Art Award Tokyo, Gyoko-dori Underground Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Public Collections

Aman Tokyo
The JAPIGOZZI Collection
Ryutaro Takahashi Collection
Takamatsu City Museum of Art

↓Please click URL below for the interview

Nana Funo Exhibition “The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper”
October 22 - November 17, 2014
Interview “8/TV/068 'The Humidity of Underground and the Feel of Paper'”
Executive Creative Director : Kenmei Nagaoka (D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT)
Creative Directors : Shin Sasaki (3KG)
Producer : Mitsuko Matsuzoe (D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT)
Director : Masaya Suzuki
Interview : Masaya Suzuki
Camera : Hirotatsu Koarai
Music : Yuichi Nagao