Yuko Someya

  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • Installation view from “I See You in the Wild Flowers” at Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, 2024 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • 薄曇りの空のカペラ Capella in the Cloudy Sky 2024 Chinese ink, water color, acrylic, lithograph ink, on canvas mounted on wood panel 135.0 x 180.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 知でなく意ではない。  Neither Knowledge Nor Intention. 2023 Chinese ink, water color, pencil, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 52.5 x 68.5 cm / frame:54.5 x 70.5 cm ©︎Yuko Someya
  • 顔色の悪い人(トゥルパ) The One Looking Pale (Tulpa) 2022 Chinese ink, water color, pencil, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 68.5 x 52.5 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 1926年の花束3 1926 Bouquet 3 2023 Chinese ink, water color, pencil, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 140.1 x 102.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • はじまらないし おわらない  Never Begins nor Ends 2023 Chinese ink, water color, pencil, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 102.2 x 140.4 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 探し物  Searching for Something Lost 2023 Chinese ink, water color, pencil, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 95.4 x 95.1 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • コウモリはどこにいる Where Are the Bats 2023 Chinese ink, water color, pencil, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 69.2 x 82.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • トワイライト 2022 Chinese ink, water color, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 66.3 x 96.5 cm 66.3 x 96.5 cm
  • Installation images from “Chaosmos6 Into the Silent Spring” Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan, 2021 ©Yuko Someya photo by Kimie Homma
  • Installation images from “Chaosmos6 Into the Silent Spring” Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan, 2021 ©Yuko Someya photo by Kimie Homma
  • Installation images from “Chaosmos6 Into the Silent Spring” Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan, 2021 ©Yuko Someya photo by Kimie Homma
  • 染谷悠子 Yuko Someya 1926 Bouquet 1 2020 Chinese ink, watercolor and Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 140.0 x 102.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • January 2020, Wednesday 2020 Chinese ink and Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 30.0 x 30.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 土を慕い、草花鳴らし光こぼるる Cherishing the soil, the light falls on rustling flowers 2016 pencil, Chinese ink, water color, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 90.0 × 90.0 cm ©︎ Yuko Someya
  • 土を慕い、草花鳴らし光こぼるる Cherishing the soil, the light falls on rustling flowers 2014 pencil, Chinese ink, water color, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 90 × 90 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 土を慕い、草花鳴らし光こぼるる Cherishing the soil, the light falls on rustling flowers 2014 pencil, Chinese ink, water color, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 90 × 90 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view from "Listening to the sound of flowers blooming" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2017 ©︎Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • installation view from "Listening to the sound of flowers blooming" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2017 ©︎Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • installation view from "Listening to the sound of flowers blooming" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2017 ©︎Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • installation view from "Listening to the sound of flowers blooming" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2017 ©︎Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • installation view from "Listening to the sound of flowers blooming" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2017 ©︎Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • installation view from "Listening to the sound of flowers blooming" 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2017 ©︎Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • 清潔な沈黙 Clear Silence 2014 water color, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 150.0 × 120.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 清潔な沈黙 Clear Silence 2014 pencil, Chinese ink, water color, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 150.0 × 120.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view from "All Living Things" Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, 2017 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view from "All Living Things" Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, 2017 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view from "All Living Things" Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, 2017 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view from "All Living Things" Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, 2017 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view from PIOON Project cucurucu, Shizuoka, 2014 ©Yuko Someya
  • 「涙の裏打ちに、安息の呼吸をする」のためのドローイング り drawing for "Breathing at rest with tears behind" /Ri 2013 water color, chinese ink, pencil on Japanese paper 21.0 × 28.5 cm/ 20.5 × 20.5 cm/ 19.5 × 19.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 「涙の裏打ちに、安息の呼吸をする」のためのドローイング い drawing for "Breathing at rest with tears behind" /I 2013 water color, chinese ink, pencil on Japanese paper 15.0 × 15.0 cm/ 15.5 × 15.5 cm/ 13.0 × 13.5 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2013 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • installation view at 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2013 ©Yuko Someya, photo by Kenji Takahashi
  • 泳ぐ雲 Swimming Clouds 2011 water color, lithograph ink, pencil, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 120.5 × 150.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • かみあわぬ水に沈む月 Moon Settling in Water amid Unreconcilable Differences 2013 pencil, Chinese ink, water color, lithograph ink, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 170.0 × 390.0cm (3 pieces: 170.0 × 130.0 cm each) ©Yuko Someya
  • 蜘蛛の庭 The Garden of Spiders 2011 water color, lithograph ink, Chinese ink, pencil, Japanese paper on canvas mounted on wood panel 90.5 × 80.5 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 秘密は籠の中で貪婪の水を吸う The secret sucks avaricious water in a cage 2011 water color, lithograph ink, chinese ink, pencil 149.0 × 359.5 cm (3 pieces) ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2010 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2010 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2010 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2010 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, 2010 ©Yuko Someya
  • リッカの季節 −ブタ− The Season of Rikka -Pig- 2007 pencil, lithograph ink, water color on Japanese paper mounted on canvas 91.0 × 91.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • リッカの季節 −キク− The Season of Rikka -Chrysanthemum- 2007 pencil, lithograph ink, water color on Japanese paper mounted on canvas 80.5 × 80.5 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • リッカの季節 −トリ− The Season of Rikka -Bird- 2007 pencil, lithograph ink, water color on Japanese paper mounted on canvas 60.5 × 50.3 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 空を想うリッカ1 Rikka Imagining the Sky 1 2007 pencil, lithograph ink, water color on Japanese paper mounted on canvas 41.1 × 24.6 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • きのうあえる Will Meet Yesterday 2007 pencil, lithograph ink, water color on Japanese paper mounted on canvas 33.5 × 33.5 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 緑いろの場所でひとやすみ Takes a rest at a greenish place 2007 water color and pencil, lithograph ink on Japanese paper mounted on canvas 46.0 × 53.0 cm ©Yuko Someya
  • 空の王様空をつれてやってきた As the king of the sky has come down taking the sky along 2007 water color, pencil, oil pastel and lithograph ink on Japanese paper mounted on wood panel 120.0 × 272.0 cm © Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2007 ©Yuko Someya
  • installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 2007 ©Yuko Someya

Yuko Someya was born in 1980 in Chiba. She completed her Master’s degree in printmaking at Tokyo University of Arts, the Department of Art, in 2006. She received awards for her work at Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo in 2004 and her works are now part of the museum collection. “I move my pencil as if I was spelling a word,” Someya says of her works, intricately drawing and coloring motifs such as flowers, birds, plants, and animals. The paintings often embrace generous blank spaces in which the motifs are given the sense of floating, releasing strong brightness as if to invite the viewers into the stories, and to continue them. Her specialized method using ink and distinctive transparency in color and texture created by layered washi paper are also attractive.

Solo Exhibitions

2024 “I See You in the Wild Flowers” Tomio Koyama Gallery Tennoz, Tokyo, Japan
2017 “Listening to the sound of flowers blooming” 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2014 Richard Heller Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA
2013 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2010 Tomio Koyama Gallery Kyoto, Japan
2010 Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Itamuro Onsen Daikokuya, Tochigi, Japan
2006 Gallery Kaku, Tokyo, Japan

Group Exhibitions

2024 “Forest Festival of the Arts Okayama: Clear-skies Country” 12 municipalities in Okayama Prefecture (the cities of Tsuyama, Takahashi, Niimi, Maniwa, and Mimasaka; the towns of Kagamino, Shoo, Nagi, Kumenan, and Misaki; and the villages of Shinjo and Nishiawakura), Japan
“The 9th Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Nikkei Nihonga Award” The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan
2022 “When I get old” Omuro Museum, Mie, Japan
"Obon Night" ZaisyohouseKoide, Aichi, Japan
“Flower of Life” Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, Japan
“Hit Parade II” Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2021 FLOWERS & BIRDS” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
“Coexist“ galleryfixa, Nagi, Okayama
“Chaosmos6 Into the Silent Spring” Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan
2020 “Daikokuya Collection” Itamuro Onsan Daikokuya, Tochigi, Japan
“Hit Parade Ⅱ” Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2018 “Colorful Things” A+SPACE, Hangzhou, China
“Hit Parade” Yoseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2016 “All Living Things” Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, Japan
“A Drawing Show” Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo
“JAPAN 7” SILVERLENS, Manila, Philippines
2014 VOCA 2014 The Vision of Contemporary Art The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, Japan
“PIOON PROJECT” Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, Japan
"CSP2" Kuwasawa Design School, Tokyo
2013 “flowers 80.1” TRAUMARIS|SPACE, NADiff apart 3 floor, Tokyo, Japan
tessen, Clematis no Oka, Shizuoka, Japan
2008 Richard Heller Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, USA
2007 “Contemporary Prints from Tokyo” Highpoint Center For Printmaking, Minneapolis, MN, USA
2005 O gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Public Collections

Bernard Buffet Museum, Shizuoka, Japan
Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo, Japan
Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, Shizuoka, Japan


2024 "The 9th Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Nikkei Nihonga Award" The Honorable Mention Award
2014 “VOCA '14” Encouragement Prize
2004 “29th Annual Exhibition of the Association of Japanese Art Colleges” Purchase Prize / Audience Prize

Executive Creative Director : Kenmei Nagaoka (D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT)
Creative Directors : Tetsuro Tsuji (Drawing and Manual) , Shin Sasaki (3KG)
Producer : Mitsuko Matsuzoe (D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT)
Directors : Masaya Suzuki (libhub) , Tetsuro Tsuji (Drawing and Manual)
Interview : Masaya Suzuki (libhub)
Design : Azusa Kawaji (libhub)
Camera : Azusa Yamazaki (CONCRETE)
Music : Tokuro Oka , Kenji Yasuda (KAGINONE)

Yuko Someya
Solo Exhibition
March 6 - March 25, 2013