Mika Ninagawa / Catalogue Publication “Flowers, Shimmering Light”

We are pleased to announce the publication of Mika Ninagawa’s new catalogue “Flowers, Shimmering Light”, published on the occasion of her solo show “Mika Ninagawa A Garden of Flickering Lights” at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum (June 25 -September 4, 2022).
The catalogue will be available for purchase from June 24, 2022.

【Flowers, Shimmering Light】
192 pages
Publication date: June 24, 2022
Price: JPY 2,640
Published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha
Rakuten Books→https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/17127252/

Mika Ninagawa/ Solo Exhibition “Mika Ninagawa A Garden of Flickering Lights”
Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo
June 25 -September 4, 2022