Satoshi Ohno’s works embrace themes such as contact and fusion of nature and artifact, closed atmosphere, and reconsideration of sense of space regarding a relation between the nature and himself. During Koshikijima Art Project, which he participated in 2004, he actually lived in a subtropical island in Kagoshima for a while. Then he visited the primeval forest in Hokkaido, Cayman Island in Caribbean sea, and Hawaii, before moving his base to Fuji-yoshida, where he has produced works of painting, sculpture, photography, and sand drawing, where he recreates the primeval forest in his thoughts. These works vividly reflect a recurrence for the nature, which almost seems to be ritual.
At “THE ECHO” exhibition at ZAIM in Yokohama last year, he attempted an exhibition of “very personal theme of self-portrait involves a world view of women’s womb linking to the primeval forest as a large mother’s body” (by the artist). His self-portraits that appear reportedly transcends the boundary of gender. Round prism around them seem to invite and lead viewers who happen to enter the forest. It seems as if the jungle as womb in a large mother’s body has appeared there.

acrylic on camvas
270.0 x 480.0 x 3.5cm
©Satoshi Ohno

“I consider primeval forest, life’s original place, as one large mother’s body, and the integral of forest as womb. Big felled trees lie down as male symbol. These trees make their ways toward the orange light in the forest with the lead by “prophet.” The orange light is the light of body, the light of motherhood.” (by the artist) This exhibition will be a large-scale one with two floors of space. The works will include a very large painting of nearly 5m high.