Sculptor Stephan Balkenhol carves giant tree trunks to free the humans and animals trapped within. They stand in front of sculpted reliefs of landscapes and geometric patterns with distant expressions.
These include sculptures of enlarged human heads, portraits in relief, and fanciful animals. The spark that led to these various forms was created during the 1970s and 80s, during the minimal and conceptual art movements, and it continues in Balkenhol’s style of wooden sculptures. The roughly-carved surface and the bold process of sculpting results in a reality that is stripped to its most basic form of representation. The combination of background relief and foreground sculpture lead to an experimental display of both the second and third dimensions. Whether a sculpture contains a solitary figure or a group, Balkenhol repeats the production of constructing spaces, which results in works that speak volumes about contemporary life.
This exhibition features 14 new sculptures, including one backed by a large 9 m2 relief and one that measures 2 meters tall. 10 drawings will be also shown.

Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 ©Stephan Balkenhol -
man in white shirt and a woven relief 2007 douglas fir, wawa wood, painted h.170.0 × w.34.5 × d.25.5 cm (figure), h.139.7 × w.98.7 × d.4.5 cm (relief) ©Stephan Balkenhol -
Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 ©Stephan Balkenhol -
big head with 3 part-relief (black) 2007 beech wood, wawa wood, painted with pedestal (pine wood) h.173.0 × w.65.5 × d.84.0 cm (head with pedestal) ©Stephan Balkenhol -
figure (man) 2007 poplar wood, painted with pedestal (pine wood) h.242.0 × w.62.0 × d.42.5 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 ©Stephan Balkenhol -
wall-figure (female/male) 2007 douglas fir, painted with wall pedestal h.173.5 × w.60.0 × d.33.0 cm (female) , h. 178.0 × w.60.0 × d.33.0 cm (male) ©Stephan Balkenhol -
tall figure 2007 poplar wood, painted with pedestal (pine wood) h.264.5 × w.100.0 × d.52.0 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
woman in red uniform 2007 douglas fir, painted h.170.0 × w.24.5 × d.24.5 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
Installation view at Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2007 ©Stephan Balkenhol -
architecture, Fellbach 2007 wawa wood, painted h.299.5 × w.102.0 × d.4.5 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
wall-figure (male detail) 2007 douglas fir, painted with wall pedestal h.178.0 × w.60.0 × d.33.0 cm (male) ©Stephan Balkenhol -
small head relief (Woman) 2007 poplar wood, painted h. 30.0 × w.29.7 × d.4.0 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
deep relief (head/male) 2007 poplar wood, painted h.157.0 × w.124.5 × d.13.0 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
head relief (Woman) 2007 poplar wood, painted h.80.0 × w.60.0 × d.2.3 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
head relief (Man) 2007 poplar wood, painted h.80.0 × w.60.3 × d.2.3 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
small head relief (Man) 2007 poplar wood, painted h.30.0 × w.29.7 × d.4.0 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
man without trousers 2007 douglas fir, painted h.171.0 × w.29.5 × d.25.0 cm ©Stephan Balkenhol -
woman in brown dress and a point-relief 2007 douglas fir, wawa wood, painted h.170.0 × w.34.0 × d.25.0 cm (figure) , h.140.0 × w.99.0 × d.4.5 cm (relief) ©Stephan Balkenhol