Kishio Suga / group exhibition “Tribute to Mono-Ha” Cardi Gallery, London, UK, March 13 – July 26, 2019
Kishio Suga / group exhibition “Tribute to Mono-Ha” Cardi Gallery, London, UK March 13 – July 26, 2019…
Tomio Koyama Gallery 小山登美夫ギャラリー
Kishio Suga / group exhibition “Tribute to Mono-Ha” Cardi Gallery, London, UK March 13 – July 26, 2019…
Sopheap Pich / group exhibition “We the People: New Art from the Collection” Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buff…
Shooshie Sulaiman / group exhibition “Matter and Place” Museum MACAN, Jakarta, Indonesia April 13 – Ju…
Aya Ito / solo exhibition “Rapid Rabbit hole” Grenier, Tokyo, Japan July 4-12, 2019 https://grenier.uruotte….
Khvay Samnang / solo exhibition “Capsule 10: Khvay Samnang” Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany January 18 ̵…
Shooshie Sulaiman Ongoing Archive Project “ORGANIZING ABANDON” Komyoji-Kaikan 2F , Hiroshima, Japan (2-1, Hi…
Kishio Suga / group exhibition “30th Anniversary of the Yokohama Museum of Art: Meet the Collection” Yokoham…
Sopheap Pich / group exhibition “Home Is a Foreign Place” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA Apri…
Koji Nakazono, Sophearp Pich / group exhibition “Please to meet you. New Acquisitions in recent years” Museu…
Tam Ochiai, Kishio Suga, Hiroshi Sugito / group exhibition “Weavers of Worlds – A Century of Flux in Japanes…