Untitled 2021 Smooth Brittle Star, plasterboard grid, plasterboard grid cover, tile adhesive, hot-melt glue, varnished beech wood, wood putty, metal ointment tube cap, birch bark, trekking stick tip 8.3 × 15.4 × 4.9 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Plastic bottle cap, driftwood, European spiny lobster antennae, rosehip thorn, philodendron leaf, polyester ornament, leatherette seat cover 6.6 × 17.7 × 6.3 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Metal fork, piece of plastic barrel, comb handle, Spidergum claw, cotton thread, acrylic sealant, electrical terminal block 7.8 × 17.4 × 4.7 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Honey spoon, long-grain white rice, wire, restoration dye, wasp nest, driftwood, wood putty, decorative wire, gypsum 8.0 × 16.5 × 4.9 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Cap buckle, spruce wood, banksia leaf, driftwood, thistle thorns, heat shrink tube, rosehip thorns, cotton swab 7.3 × 16.5 × 8.3 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Cap buckle, spruce wood, banksia leaf, driftwood, thistle thorns, heat shrink tube, rosehip thorns, cotton swab 7.3 × 16.5 × 8.3 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Installation view from “David Fesl” at Sperling, Munich, Germany, 2022 ©David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Lamb ribs, sewing machine coils, cotton thread, bedclothes buttons, pen ink, willow blossoms 12.6 × 11.0 × 3.3 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Lamb ribs, sewing machine coils, cotton thread, bedclothes buttons, pen ink, willow blossoms 12.6 × 11.0 × 3.3 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Lamb ribs, sewing machine coils, cotton thread, bedclothes buttons, pen ink, willow blossoms 12.6 × 11.0 × 3.3 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2022 Sweatshirt zippers, piece of laundry basket, leaf, teapot handle, clay, acryl, lighter case 13.5 × 7.0 × 6.0 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Installation view from “David Fesl” at ADZ, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022 ©David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Silver sugar tongs, plastic hair comb, champagne muselet, eucalyptus pod, steel nail, shirt button, cotton pocket 5.7 × 17.4 × 6.6 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Roe deer horn, stainless watch strap, clay teapot, canella wood, cotton thread, pin 6.6 × 16.8 × 3.9 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Polyethylene tailor measuring tape, metal shirt clip, hazel twig, white amur rib bone, steel pin, wire, plastic label 12.3 × 6.2 × 6.4 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Installation view from “I Had a Dog and a Cat” Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, 2022 ©David Fesl -
Untitled 2021 Smooth Brittle Star, plasterboard grid, plasterboard grid cover, tile adhesive, hot-melt glue, varnished beech wood, wood putty, metal ointment tube cap, birch bark, trekking stick tip 8.3 × 15.4 × 4.9 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Installation view from “I Had a Dog and a Cat” Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, 2022 ©David Fesl -
Untitled 2020 Plastic soap sleeve, dried and cleaned root, plastic fingernail, nail polish, plastic shot cup, cotton thread, hot gun glue 8.5 × 19.5 × 8.5 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Installation view from “The Weakest Nest Robber” Karlin Sudios, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020 ©David Fesl -
Untitled 2020 Fruit of Buddha coconut tree, animal bone, peanut, twisted twig of unknown bush, squared paper, leaf of pear attacked by leaf rust, tip of garlic clove, pin 16.5 × 13.0 × 8.0 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Untitled 2020 Fruit of Buddha coconut tree, yellow muskmelon seeds, trekking stick tip, root system of Norway maple, twig of wild cherry, river pearls, Arabica coffee bean, untwisted cotton thread, pin 8.3 × 10.5 × 7.0 cm ©︎David Fesl -
Installation view from “The Concrete Boy” Georg Kargl BOX, Vienna, Austria, 2020 ©David Fesl -
Installation view from “David Fesl” at Sperling, Munich, Germany, 2022 ©David Fesl
2023 | 「Hello Yuko」小山登美夫ギャラリー天王洲、東京 「The Clumsy Imitator of Artificial Life」Fait Gallery、ブルノ、チェコ共和国 |
2022 | 「David Fesl」 ADZ、リスボン、ポルトガル 「David Fesl」Sperling、ミュンヘン、ドイツ |
2021 | 「Also on View: David Fesl」T293、ローマ、イタリア 「David Fesl」Lulu, メキシコシティ、メキシコ |
2020 | 「The Concrete Boy」 Georg Kargl BOX、ウィーン、オーストリア 「The Weakest Nest Robber」Karlin Sudios、プラハ、チェコ共和国 |
2018 | 「Close Relations」City Suffer Office、プラハ、チェコ共和国 |
2022 | 「Little Precious Things」Georg Kargl BOX、ウィーン、オーストリア 「I Had a Dog and a Cat」Georg Kargl Fine Arts、ウィーン、オーストリア 「Do Animals Go to Heaven?」Collezione Agovino / Chiesa del Purgatorio、マテーラ、イタリア |
2021 | 「ESTER KRUMBACHOVÁ」The Brno House of Arts、ブルノ、チェコ共和国 「Remembering What Never Existed」annex14、チューリッヒ、スイス 「Friend of a Friend」Piktogram、ワルシャワ、ポーランド |
2020 | 「Resist Like Woods」Institute of Anxiety、プラハ、チェコ共和国 |
2019 | 「Work on the Future」Fait Gallery、ブルノ、チェコ共和国 |
2018 | 「Oh, it is easy to be clever if one does not know all these questions」Castlefield Gallery、マンチェスター、イギリス 「Oh, it is easy to be clever if one does not know all these questions」DOX、プラハ、チェコ共和国 「Everything Means Nothing」UM Gallery、プラハ、チェコ共和国 「Making Oddkin – for joy, for trouble, for volcano love」ニシロス、ギリシャ |
2017 | 「Famous Writress」Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts、プラハ、チェコ共和国 |
2016 | 「Against Nature」 National Gallery、プラハ、チェコ共和国 |