Stephan Balkenhol / Tam Ochiai / Richard Tuttle

Group Exhibition “The Myriad Forms of Visual Art: 196 Works with 19 Themes” The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan

「猫 彫刻 」”cat sculpture” 2007 polyurethane plastic, key board 84.5 x 28.0 x 12.5 cm ©Tam Ochiai

Stephan Balkenhol, Tam Ochiai, Richard Tuttle / Group Exhibition
“The Myriad Forms of Visual Art: 196 Works with 19 Themes”
The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
May 26 – July 1, 2018

Place, one 2013 colored, cotton fiber and wire mesh 40 x 23 x 8 cm ©Richard Tuttle